I just finished reading Jody Picoult's novel Vanishing Acts and loved it! This is the 6th novel I have read by the New Hampshire-based author, and she always manages to leave the reader wondering about where they stand on issues. I don't want to write a spoiler here, so I will just say that she incorporates her trademark twists of the tale, in fact, several. Picoult skillfully explores issues of identity, child custody, divorce, trust, memory, alcoholism, Native mythology, the violence of the prison system, and yes - there are some fingernail biting courtroom scenes. Her writing is always engaging. Enjoy and be on the lookout for 2 new novels coming out in March 2006 and 2007.
If you are an avid fan of Jody Picoult and also a writer, explore her website which has message boards about each of her novels as well as advice for writers.