With this fine art/poetry giclée, “A Prayer for the Waters,” artist Holly Kallie (www.hollykallie.com) and poet, Cristina M. R. Norcross (www.FirkinFiction.com) hope to raise awareness for the needs of the environment. Through the beauty of visual art and poetry, we propose to inspire others to answer the call to action, by purchasing these giclées. After covering basic production costs, all profits will go directly to The National Wildlife Federation.
What can we do as individuals, if we feel helpless to help? We can donate what we can afford, we can raise awareness in others, encouraging them to donate as well, and in the process we can aid research efforts. Recovering the natural environment’s delicate balance for birds, fish and other wildlife is a healing process. As artists, we hope to inspire, encourage, and raise the white banner of peace in the name of charity.
For more information about “A Prayer for the Waters” giclées and how to place an order, please contact artist Holly Kallie (hollyjkal@yahoo.com) or visit her website.
Visit and join "A Prayer for the Waters" group page on facebook today, to start helping the cause!
A Prayer for the Waters
(Inspired by the painting by Holly Kallie)
We are being called.
From the depths of indigo pain,
springs the glowing chakra of re-birth.
We have muddied the waters
with our disrespect –
our muddled minds.
With golden feather reverence,
create a new philosophy
by healing the now.
Leading the way of undisturbed skies,
eagles watch and wait.
Elders live in quiet hope.
Our arms hold the reflection –
a surface of untouched light.
Roots in waters reach.
We truly see ourselves and weep.
With this prayer for the waters,
raise your voice and be heard.
Lift up life with life –
spirit is healing.
Cristina M. R. Norcross
Copyright 2010