Monday, February 17, 2014

Random Acts of Poetry and Art Day is February 20, 2014

Perhaps because it is February, and people are often sick or snowed in, this is the perfect month to spread some happiness around, through random gifts of poetry and art on February 20th, 2014!

This year's theme is Animal Totems.  Create a piece of poetry and/or art about a favorite animal: the messenger spirit symbol of the HAWK, or the sense of freedom inspired by the HORSE, for example.

 Whatever art or poetry you choose to create and share, please also post a photo of your creation on the Random Acts of Poetry and Art Facebook page, so we can celebrate the art of YOU! 

Enjoy and have fun, everyone! 

~ Cristina M. R. Norcross, author/poet
(Co-founder of RAPA Day)

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