Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Poetry: "Your Clear Will"

Your Clear Will

Let go of what you cling to.
Release it to the wind,
a mighty throw –
grief swallowed by the night sky.
You will be whole once again –
in the morning,
when the grass is new,
when the hills are bare,
except for the sun
and your clear will.

Skin prickles with light touches,
portending what is to come.
A new life –
a new place for your hands to work,
a kinder resting place for your limbs at night.
This land will change –
transformations of a higher calling.
It is the calling of the wind,
the chimes,
that send out Celtic melodies
from the porch by starlight.

Place your heart in my sight.
I will see you shining brighter
than ever before,
when you surrender
to your best life –
the life you chose to begin,
when your bare feet
first touched this rich soil.

Begin again …

Cristina M. R. Norcross
Copyright 2008

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