Friday, April 25, 2014

National Poetry Month Challenge - Day 25

Today's poetry prompt was to write some form of a "this is the last straw" poem.  I don't know if I have fully achieved the essence of this poem in my life, but I am trying!

The Power of No

I am so used to saying,
I can do that.
I'd be happy to.

A few years ago,
I was faced with the typical scenario
of having ten things
already on my plate,
and someone asked me
to pile on number eleven.

Before I realized what was happening,
the word, no, just fell out of my mouth.
Such a foreign,
yet absolutely delicious word,
for these lips.

I've been getting better
at this one syllable reply.
No, that doesn't fit my schedule.
No, I'm sorry, but I already have too many
commitments this month.

Go on.
Say it with me.
You can do it.
Just say, no.

If saying, yes,
causes your eyes to flutter,
your heart to race,
and your fingers to feel fidgety -
the body is desperately trying
to say it for you.

Cristina M. R. Norcross
Copyright 2014

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